I am so upset my son got a bump from his gf and i need to give u a pump and fuck ur gf right back.
This is what i want to say to u:
This is what i want to say to u:
Hey Hey, You You, I don like ur girlfriend..."Girlfriend" Avril Lavigne
Please kindly see as below of my massage~
Pick it up the one u like then.
Pick it up the one u like then.
LMF "家拎"
唔屌到你以為自己好能型 屌那星
U know what the fuck I'm saying 家拎 家拎
U know what the fuck I'm saying 家拎
AT 17 "The best is yet to come"
AT 17 "始終一天"
始終一天 我會放棄再講…
R.Kelly "Real talk"
I heard you did that dont you think i got enough bullshit on my mind
Eamon "Fuck u back"
Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back
Leo Koo "歡樂今宵"
那樣動搖 不如罷了
唔屌到你以為自己好能型 屌那星
U know what the fuck I'm saying 家拎 家拎
U know what the fuck I'm saying 家拎
AT 17 "The best is yet to come"
AT 17 "始終一天"
始終一天 我會放棄再講…
R.Kelly "Real talk"
I heard you did that dont you think i got enough bullshit on my mind
Eamon "Fuck u back"
Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back
Leo Koo "歡樂今宵"
那樣動搖 不如罷了
張震嶽 "分手吧"
妳我的夢 彼此的不同
我們 分手吧
妳我的夢 彼此的不同
我們 分手吧